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5 Tips for Raising a Dog in an Apartment

Taking care of your pup in your apartment can be difficult, but these tips can help you and your companion be happy!

1. Do your research

Doing research on what breeds match your lifestyle is extremely important. Each dog will have a different temperament, which is usually dependent on its breed. Knowing how much energy your dog has is a key factor to consider because this will determine how many times and for how long you will have to take your dog outside. If your dog is bored or has too much excess energy, they may become destructive in the apartment. Certain dog breeds are more talkative than others such as huskies and hounds which may aggravate your neighbors. Age is also an important factor to consider. Puppies need to be taken outside more often than adults and will require more attention for training and ensuring they are not being destructive.

2. Speak with your landlord

Keeping your landlord informed about adopting a dog will make the transition of bringing a dog into your apartment a lot easier. Certain apartments have breed restrictions that you may not know about, which may include pit type dogs, German Shepherds, or Dobermans. Your landlord will also be able to clarify the fees associated with owning a dog in your apartment.

3. Pet proof the home

By making your apartment pet-proof you will ensure you pet is safe, along with your apartment belongings. Make sure all hanging cords, especially those attached to blinds and those plugged into outlets are out of reach. Put away knickknacks or other breakable items until you know your pet’s behavioral tendencies and if they will jump onto surfaces. Lastly, do research on the plants you have in and around your home. Lots of plants are toxic to your companions if they chew on them such as aloe vera, lilies, and ivy.

4. Get into a routine

Setting a potty break schedule will help prevent accidents in your apartment, along with undesired behaviors such as scratching doors. Your daily routine should include a minimum of two set times when you take your dog outside.

5. Desensitize your dog

Making sure your dog is comfortable with the random noises they will hear throughout the day is important. To help desensitize your pet to cars passing, people talking outside your door, and apartment alarms, you should play these noises aloud for them. Start off playing these sounds at a low volume before joyful events for them such as going for a walk or eating. Gradually turn the volume up and then play the sounds at random times. Once your dog is used to these sounds, this should reduce the chances of your dog barking or becoming scared during the day.

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